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Microbes Eating Away Waste from Water in Siuntio – New Innovation Seems Promising (Länsi-Uusimaa 18.5.2017)

Länsi-Uusimaa 18.5.2017

A completely new solution is being tried out in wastewater purification in Siuntio.

SIUNTIO |  Siuntio is testing a Finnish microbiotechnology innovation in the difficult conditions of a water treatment facility.

The Siuntio municipality waterworks is a frontrunner in trying out a new type of cleaning of wastewaters, where microbes devour organic waste from the wastewater pumping station.

The water that ends up in the pumping stations often includes food, grease, detergents, cottonwool and hair. Organic material easily forms raft-like patches, that in large masses disturb the function of the pumping station. In addition, the matter produces hydrogen sulfide, which is strongly odorous and hazardous to health.

In the Siuntio municipality waterworks, which comprises of a total 34 wastewater pumping stations, the biggest challenges were compressed waste patches and foul odors traveling to nearby settlements.

The facility started the pilot for the microbe solution in the autumn of 2016 when other options turned out to be inadequate.

– We began with the waste patch problem in a challenging pumping station, where no technology had been effective. As the waste patches disappeared also from even further in the system, odor problems were decreased. After this we expanded our pilot to cover other pumping stations battling with the same challenges, the director of operations of the waterworks Kaj Holmberg says.

Behind the microbe solution is a Finnish microbiotechnology startup ProtectPipe. The company produces a solution suitable for the needs of water treatment facilities, as it removes organic waste from the drainpipes in a natural way.

The solution travels to the areas with buildup in the pipes, and its active microorganisms literally eat away waste, converting it into harmless water and carbon dioxide. At the same time, the solution prevents harmful gases, such as hydrogen sulfide from forming, and removes the unpleasant odours of the sewer.

The water treatment facility is feeling warily optimistic about the future of the experiment.

– I am very pleased. The final results can of course only be seen once the solution has been in standard use for longer, Holmberg says.

– If successful, this could improve water treatment and have effects more widely for the whole purification industry, waterworks and water protection.

Microbes at work

Siuntio waterworks is currently running an experiment, where a Finnish microbiotechnology innovation is being tested in the difficult conditions of a water treatment facility.

ProtectPipe BIOFLOW –microbe solution consists of natural bacteria that break down the organic waste that ends up in the municipal sewage system and wastewater pumping station, thus preventing the formation of the odorous and hazardous hydrogen sulfide, as well as making the maintenance of the drain system and wastewater purification easier.

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